Semantic Graph Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose RegressionJianfei Guo 出版于 paper_reading 2020-12-06 2020-12-06 约 40 字 预计阅读 1 分钟 Semantic graph convolutional networks for 3d human pose regression CVPR2019 Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition Long Zhao, Xi Peng, Yu Tian, Mubbasir Kapadia, Dimitris N Metaxas Rutgers University, Binghamton University Cite PDF Code目录 Motivationloss functionMotivationloss function其实只有骨骼向量和关节点3D位置的L2-loss. 没有涉及到rigid body transformationPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Utterances.